“Why I made a commitment to Investors in Excellence”

West Granton Housing Co-operative Limited (WGHC) has become the first organisation in Scotland ‘Committed to becoming an Investor in Excellence’ and has eagerly started the journey with the unanimous support of both Tenant Committee (Board) and Staff Team.

Larke Adger is the dedicated CEO of WGHC, a fully mutual co-operative housing association registered as a social landlord with the Scottish Housing Regulator (HAC 225); and registered society under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014 (2357 RS). 

“Our vision is to be the leading housing co-operative in Scotland, recognised as a centre of excellence- what better way is there to achieve this, than to commit to Investors in Excellence and inspiring other Co-operatives to do the same.” 

Larke explains, “For me, as CEO, the first step in committing to excellence is to recognise that it isn’t all about the big decisions, but most of it is about the frequent, smaller day-to-day decisions and tasks we all undertake during our working day. It is easy to lose sight of how important each interaction with a tenant or colleague is, yet it is these very things which can prove to be powerfully binding and align us excellently to our core values of Service, Consistency, Learning. 

We came together as a team and agreed that what we needed was a common sense of purpose, with quantifiable goals which were guided by a clear structure which will keep us ‘moving forward’ towards achieving excellence. The investors in Excellence framework (IiE Standard) will help us identify the gaps of where we are now, to where we want to be (our vision) and provide us not just with the methodology but also the roadmap to getting there. 

I first heard about investors in excellence when it was mentioned briefly by a speaker at a conference I was attending. One Internet search later, led me to their website. I reached out, and within minutes was having an exploratory conversation with their CEO, Judy Hart. Within two weeks of making contact, we had agreed our customised journey, setting of our strategic objectives, engaging our committee, and sharing a laugh and a smile with Judy and her team.

Although we are a small organisation we feel as valued as if we are the largest in the IiE family. 

Working under the skilful guidance and coaching of Judy Hart, as CEO of an exceptional body such as investors in Excellence, is probably one of the most assuring courses of action we can undertake as an organisation striving for excellence. 

Change is challenging but the right changes are rewarding, not just for us as the Staff Team, but more importantly for our Tenants, they absolutely should be paramount in everything we do. They are the reason we come into work each day.”

Larke_ West Granton Housing

Photo of Larke Adger, Chief Executive, West Granton Housing Co-operative Limited (WGHC)