How do you best develop your people’s potential?

laptop-1071781__180An organisation may effectively be seen as a single entity, but it is normally made up of smaller individual parts that take the form of the people within the workings of the organisation on a day to day basis.

The skills of these people will frequently be adequate for their functions, but there will be a plateau of effectiveness reached as the organisation grows and progresses. This is the time that development of people will have the greatest impact on the performance of the organisation.

IiE has worked across a range of sectors to achieve improved results from individuals and teams as part of a planned and bespoke programme of training for areas of an organisation that are in specific need of people development.

The Approaches that we take at IiE allow a true partnership to develop between the organisation and its people, and that in turn allows the achievement of the required results for all parties. Growth in a job role and function provides people with a chance to experience satisfaction in what they have achieved, and to see how that has contributed to the success of the organisation as a whole.

Tailored and focused training and development can promote sustained and transferable skills within an organisation, and these will support the elements of the Investors in Excellence Standard

Once acquired, these skills will be able to be shared and replicated throughout an organisation, and will stay with a person for the duration of their career. Such a foundation of attitudes and approaches will enhance the overall achievement of the individuals and teams within an organisation, and forms a dynamic framework of capabilities to be included in any induction process for new recruits and those promoted in the organisation. Training can be designed to form a skills matrix for specific functions, and can serve as part of personal development plans.