Weekly Update from Justin Urquhart Stewart – Another Pointless Pension Raid

Justin is one of the most recognisable and trusted market commentators on television, radio, and in the press.

Originally trained as a lawyer, he has observed the retail market industry for 20 years whilst at Barclays Stockbrokers and developed a unique understanding of the market’s roles and benefits for the private investor.

Each week we will bring you Justin’s latest thoughts and commentary.  For a taster of this week’s article please continue to read..

ANOTHER POINTLESS PENSION RAID – Read the full article here!

The latest populist idea for unemployment was floated last week when Mr Millipede suggested that seemingly endless bountiful fountain of pension pots can be raided yet again for apparent good works elsewhere. Raiding peoples’ savings, be they pensions or just cash, is a last resort and usually a sign of economic incompetence (as we saw in Cyprus) or political theft – as we have seen by politicians like President Kirchner in Argentina, or various domestic politicians of most colours, yes including the Conservatives, and of course Gordon Brown more recently, who see pension savings as an easy way to grab cash.

In any fair world, you would think savings from income would be recognised and appreciated – not abused and raided. However, the Labour proposals last week are yet again signs of the lack of practical experience of politicians in real business or savings in the outside world. You can see that the politicians don’t really understand such things as of course they don’t have to worry about their already funded pensions.

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