Justin Urquhart Stewart Weekly Update – Giving It All Away, How About Making It!

Justin is one of the most recognisable and trusted market commentators on television, radio, and in the press.


Originally trained as a lawyer, he has observed the retail market industry for 20 years whilst at Barclays Stockbrokers and developed a unique understanding of the market’s roles and benefits for the private investor.

Each week we will bring you Justin’s latest thoughts and commentry.

GIVING IT ALL AWAY! HOW ABOUT MAKING IT!  – Read the full article here!

Now I must remain politically neutral (apparently) but it is not difficult to pick out a consistent theme amongst most of the political leaders and that, of course, has been their spending plans. Frankly that is the easy stuff. Even I could come up with a list of things to spend money on, but I wouldn’t dare call myself any form of political influencer. Looking at last week’s panel session of the opposition leaders, I couldn’t find any comment about actually how the wealth that was being handed out with such largesse, was actually going to be created.
It seems that most politicians seem to believe in the magic money tree that will provide the everlasting fruit of wealth forever and a day. As we know there isn’t one and anything that is created is on the back of hard work carried out by the workers, of all levels of ownership and employment, in creating goods, services and assets of all types and making sure they are sold around the world.

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