How do you get excellence across your organisation?

ripplesExcellence is evident in many great organisations, and it is not unusual for it to be visible in the very farthest reaches of their operations. In one respect, that very visibility disguises the journey that has been undertaken to achieve that performance.

A close comparison can be made when you look at ripples on a lake. On a calm day the water should appear flat and settled. Where ripples are shown rolling over the surface, then there is one certain deduction to be made: there was a point from which the ripples originated.

The identification of this point of origin will often give the reason for the disruption of the passive state of the water. Cause and effect within an organisation will be measurable if there is a framework in place to allow results to be judged against actions put in place for specific projects and goals.

This framework will focus on What Matters Most, and assist in reviewing the direct instigators of continuous improvement. Leaders within an organisation tend to be the main starting point of initiatives for improving the organisational performance. This does not mean leaders from just the head of the concern as a whole, but can include those who have departmental and team responsibilities to others they work with.

The most effective use of all parts of an organisation’s talent will give enhanced results for the whole business. People will be good leaders when they have clarity in relation to the needs of their stakeholders. The examination of what matters most to a small part of an operation will form a crucial building block for giving a sound foundation that the larger entity can develop. Replication of these small, vital items leads to a stronger structure over a wider base.

The use of a scaleable approach to introducing and developing excellence in your organisation is one of the benefits that IiE achieves for the partners we work with. We have a selection of tools that can be used as a positive start point to ripple excellence out across the whole of your organisation. Contact us to find out more about how we can help you.