May Prosperity Be With You – Justin A. Urquhart Stewart’s latest weekly commentary

Justin is one of the most recognisable and trusted market commentators on television, radio, and in the press.

Originally trained as a lawyer, he has observed the retail market industry for 20 years whilst at Barclay’s Stockbrokers and developed a unique understanding of the market’s roles and benefits for the private investor.

Each week we will bring you Justin’s latest thoughts and commentary.

For a taster of this week’s article please continue to read…


A date for a celebration is next Sunday (the 10th) when we can welcome the Chinese lunar New Year, say goodbye to the Dragon and hello to the Year of the Water Snake. The Dragon lived up to its expectations and we saw a year of ‘healing’ for the global economy in most areas as the more creative oriental Dragon passed through. Luckily we didn’t have the more occidental version which usually involves fire, theft and nervous times for virgins.

However, the specific attributes of Water Snakes aren’t really all that different from how they are perceived in western culture. Snakes are seen as careful and stealthy, planning out details before they make moves, and with a preference for working alone. There is of course a more charismatic side, which easily seduces others to do as they will — like certain Biblical snakes you might recall. They sound a bit like politicians to me.

As for the business horoscopes? Frankly no guidance other than more of the same – which is a fat lot of use! ‘China will grow and the US will stumble because of issues around the debt and deficit’ – wow that’s an insight. Still, a good excuse for a party.

For the full article please click here.